Monday, November 29, 2010


Anything that ruffles your feathers is just a reminder that you've got wings. -- Stuart Rosen

What ruffles your feathers? We get angry all the time because things aren't the way we want. A certain person or group ignores us, or worse yet treats us in ways that hurt us either emotionally or physically. Injustices happen; one person or group gets more than what we think should be their fair share of resources, and so the other gets less than what we think they should get. One person or group is cruel to another. When we get angry it is either because we, or other people that we identify with, are not getting what we want.

Once we know what we don't want, we have a better understanding of what we do want. There is no time we want something more than when we are clearly reminded that we don't have it. There is no time we are not motivated to do something to get what we want. If everything is going well, there is no need for change. There is no motivation to do anything different. We are happy to be in our comfort zone. But we are not learning, growing or acheiving.

It is only when we get very upset about something that we are seriously motivated to fix it. This is when we start to find out our true powers. This is when we learn how to solve problems and get what we want. It is when we start to find out we do indeed have wings. We are focused on what we want, on the solution, so that the solution begins to present itself. We learn and grow. We taste success. We learn to fly. And that is what really makes life enjoyable. We have fun discovering we can do things we never thought we could do.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Organized thought leads to spiritual and mental growth provided it is expressed through action. One does not grow spiritually or mentally by thought alone. Growth is the result of thought expressed through voluntary and definitely controlled habits of actions. ..... Napoleon Hill

It is tempting to think that our life will improve if we just think more positive thoughts; although for many of us, that is difficult enough all by itself. We've all heard of "the power of positive thinking". It would be great if we could just sit and meditate and visualize the things we are wanting, and have everything we want just drop into our lap. But that is not the way life works.

Thought that is not expressed through action is soon forgotten. It is not taken seriously, either by ourselves or by the Universe. We all know that if some idea is important enough to us, we will do something about it. We are active physical beings after all. We will physically try to make it happen. If we sit and visualize our shiny new car but don't even go to the dealership to find out about getting it, then we are just wishing. There is no intention on our part to actually have this car, or serious belief that it will happen.

Our thought must be focused through visualization of what we want, and then expressed through action. Action serves to further focus our thought, and be more aware of our progress towards what we want. It may be stumbling and inefficient at first, but it does get more productive over time, while your intuition is helping you. Both parts of the equation, thought and action, must be present if we are to get what we want. We have to do our part through organized thought as well as voluntary and definately controlled habits of action, if we want to grow into success. Think, then act.