Thursday, July 22, 2010


You have to accept whatever comes and the only important thing is that you meet it with the best you have to give. -- Eleanor Roosevelt

Sometimes it can be hard to accept whatever comes. We all have to deal with frustrations and setbacks every day. They can be something as trivial as the toast getting burned in the toaster or as serious as a death in the family. But even though all these things happen, there are always good things that happen in our day too. It is our attitude about what happens in our day that can make the difference between a relatively good day and a catastrophe.

It helps to realize that whatever happens in your day is sent to you for your own good, to teach you lessons you need to learn in order to grow and improve. This can be a tough realization for the person who has just been diagnosed with cancer and is afraid of dying. "How can getting cancer possibly be good for me?" But even then, it can be good for you if you develop a good attitude; one that sees possibilities for growth. Getting a terminal illness could help you appreciate life more, and/ or it could inspire you to educate the public or make the last days of other terminally ill people more pleasant.

It is no use fighting with life. You have to accept whatever comes if you want to be happy. The only important thing is that you meet it with the best you have to give. No matter how bad it seems to you now, you can give your best to it and eventually it will not seem so bad. If you learn to appreciate, instead of resist, the mistakes, frustrations, and setbacks in your life, it will free you to determine the best way to deal with them. You will enjoy life more. You will learn and grow, and in so doing you will have been successful.

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