Thursday, October 28, 2010


God gives us dreams a size too big so that we can grow in them. -- Author Unknown

What are your dreams? When we were young we were full of dreams. We were going to change the world. I know when I was a pre-teen I was going to stop all the pollution by shutting down the factories. Then slowly our parents and teachers and other important people in our lives convinced us those dreams were unrealistic and we forgot about them because we were focusing on what seemed practical.

But deep inside us we still have our dreams. We still want to make a big difference in the world somehow. We want to be rich and famous, but most of all when it comes down to it we want to significantly improve at least certain people's lives. We want to help, to be useful to people. We want to be able to put our talents to good use making our community, and our world, a better place to live in. Unfortunately many of us need to first of all find out what our talents are before we can figure out how to use them in the way that will benefit the most people the best way.

When we bring our dreams out into the open and acknowledge them, they typically seem unrealistic, too much for one person to manage. This is because we are not yet able to acheive them. But we can always learn and grow into the person who can acheive them. It is the truth that only challenges and obstacles cause us to grow and improve. If our dreams were easy to acheive we would become lazy and stagnant. We are meant to grow into our dreams. We are meant to be continually improving, to become good enough people to actually make our dreams come true. We are meant to overcome our challenges and succeed in fulfillng our dreams. That struggling and then the joy of succeeding is the purpose of our lives

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a great view and I learnt a lot from it. The writing is inspiring and sure is your bliss. Thank you for putting it out to us all Tracy I am inspired by you.
enjoy your dreams I am sure they are coming true.
celebrate and dance
Patti Delisle