Thursday, June 3, 2010


It's so hard when I have to, and so easy when I want to.
Annie Gottlier

Sometimes we really struggle with what would seem like an easy task. We fight with it and complain; busily thinking about the hundred other things we should be doing right now. It seems to take forever. It is dull and boring and we can't wait to get it over with. But we do it. This is because someone else, or society, has told us that it is necessary, either for our own good or for theirs. But they don't know what is really necessary for our own good because only we can determine that. And what is necessary for their own good they should be doing it, or at least finding someone who enjoys doing it to do it for them.

When I want to do something, it becomes easy. I can see clearly what I want to accomplish at the end of it and how that will benefit me directly. As soon as I become clear on those things, then I am willing to put up with the more unpleasant aspects of what I am doing. When I want to do something I have a purpose. Life becomes meaningful; and all those dirty chores that inevitably come with important goals become worthwhile. When I want to do something, and enjoy it, time falls away too. It seems to go surprisingly quickly.

Why struggle with life? If someone asks you to do something, you need to ask yourself if this is something that will benefit you in the end. If they are a person who is important enough to you then you may well want to do it just because you want to please them. Wanting to please them becomes your goal and purpose. But if they are not that important to you, then you don't have to do what they say. Never do something just because someone told you to. You don't have to (unless it is the police). Just say no. Life is too short to waste your time doing what everyone else wants. There's barely enough time to reach your own goals and dreams.

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