Thursday, June 10, 2010


I can't lose, it's just too many ways to win.
Brandon Alexander

It is interesting that we are always so much more aware of the negative than the positive in our lives. We know we are unhappy even if we can't identify why because we don't know what it is that we want. And then when we determine what we want we are unhappy because we don't have it and don't see how to get it. We decide that this thing that we think we want is a life and death situation and we will be miserable unless we have it.

The truth is however that we don't really want to have any particular thing. What we really want is the way that we expect that thing to make us feel. What we really want is to feel happy, to feel good about ourselves. We feel frustrated because we are not asking ourselves the right question. We are asking how we can get this thing we want, which we don't have an answer for; instead of asking how we can become happy, which is much easier to answer.

There are many things out there that will make us feel happy and good about ourselves that we don't even see because they aren't the one that we have decided that we want. Life is a process of trial and error. If one thing doesn't work out, we can always try another. There are always plenty of opportunities for our happiness when we look for them, recognizing that happiness is our real goal. We really can't lose when we seek happiness. There are too many places to find happiness. When happiness is what we seek, we will eventually find it all around us.

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