Monday, August 2, 2010


The opposite of love is indifference, and the opposite of happiness is boredom. -- Tim Ferriss

We always think the opposite of love is hate. We think that because love is such an intense feeling of attraction, the opposite of love must be an intense feeling of repulsion. But we are missing something here. Whether we love a person or hate them, we are still caring about them. Even if we hate a person, they are very important to us. Since love is really about caring, the opposite of love must be about not caring. The opposite of love is being indifferent to someone.

We always think the opposite of happiness is sadness. This is because we associate happiness with having something and sadness with not having something. In our minds, if we don't have something we want, then we must be unhappy, and if we have something we want we must be happy. But happiness is not about having something. Happiness is about being glad we are alive. Happiness is about being able to act. Happiness is really about being able to make a difference in the world. The opposite of happiness is boredom. When we are bored we are unable to act purposefully to make a difference in the world. We don't even know what we want.

The ultimate failure in live is chronic indifference and boredom. Life is meant to be enjoyed actively because we care about other people and the world around us and want to interact with them. Real success is finding love and happiness in this way. It is essential to find out what you are passionate about and then to go out and do it, if you want to find real success in life.

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