Monday, September 20, 2010


Begin from anywhere but begin. The door is somewhere and you may stumble upon it. -- Osho

So often we are afraid to begin a project because we feel we are missing the information necessary for successfully completing it. What if something goes wrong? How will we handle it? The trouble is it would take us a lifetime to think of everything that could possibly go wrong, let along how we will handle all those things. And most, maybe all, of these things will never happen anyway. If something does happen, it will probably be something we never thought about. So many times we never get started on a project because we think we need more information about it. And then the window of opportunity closes.

I think the reason we operate this way is that we really don't trust ourselves. We think we are inadequate to the task. We don't see ourselves as adequate problem solvers; as people who can solve any problem as it comes up. We don't trust our intuition, and many of us simply aren't even aware of it. But the truth is that if we can learn to listen to and trust our intuition, we have all the resources of the Universe available to us. We are much more capable of solving problems than we realize, when we utilize our intuition, and deal with things as they come along.

Begin from anywhere but begin. The door is somewhere and you may stumble upon it. The most important thing is to just get started. Beleive in yourself. It doesn't matter where you are starting from or how many problems you anticipate having along the way. Learn to listen to your intuition (and tell the difference between it and what your ego is telling you to do). Not only will it help you solve all those problems, but it will show you the best way to get to that door to what you want.

Don't wait till you can walk confidently directly to the door because that will probably never happen. If you allow yourself to stumble around and make mistakes, which you then learn from, you will discover that you'll find that door faster than you thought possible. Just begin, and begin now. Tune into and listen to your intuition and learn from your mistakes. That is the route to success.

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