Friday, September 24, 2010


Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become." - Jim Rohn

We think that success is a prize that we get by working hard and doing all the right things. We strive for success. We do what we are told to do by society in the hopes that one day we will be rewarded. We do our duty. We greatly admire people who work hard and finally make it in the world. But so many of us work hard all our lives and then retire poor. And so many of us are examplary citizens but retire poor. Clearly it is neither hard work or doing the "right thing" that makes one successful.

The more we chase after success, the more it eludes us. When we are focused on what we can get, all the material things that show us we have succeeded, we forget about who we are and whether we are worthy of what we want. We forget about the growing that we have to do in order to enjoy and benefit from the success we want. It is useless to earn lots of money if you don't know how to utilize it in a manner that benefits not only you but the people around you as well.

Success is to be attracted by the person you become. When you cast off the "dirt" of all your limiting beleifs, fearfullness, and bad habits, then you shine. Then you attract the success you want. Success doesn't like all that "dirt", that negative energy, that surrounds most of us, even those who are hardworking and do "what's right" by society's definition. Success is attracted to those who are capable of dealing with it properly, benefiting themselves, the people around them and the planet. Grow into your success by getting rid of those fears and limiting beleiefs and learning to be the best person you can be.

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