Tuesday, January 19, 2010


What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do.
Timothy Ferris

It is an interesting phenomenon that what people need most, they push away most. It is what they judge as bad, what they resent, what they fear. Part of this is undoubtedly because of our fear of failure. We don't want to leave our comfort zone in case we get hurt. The more we want something, the more we need it, then the greater the risk that we are taking to get it seems. And the greater the disaster if we fail. We become so afraid of not getting what we want that we need to find some excuse to avoid the whole thing. So we judge it as bad.

Sometimes we really don't know what it is that we need the most. We think that what we need is something that will fix whatever problem that we are dealing with right now. We can't see the forest for the trees. We haven't stopped to identify and prioritize our values and what is really most important to us in life. We're just going around putting out fires as they occur instead of finding a way to prevent those fires in the first place.

What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do. Someone said that all the wealth you want is hidden behind doing what you are afraid to do. Once you break through that barrier, then everything works out well. But you have to do what you are afraid of in order to grow. Life is one big risk. If you never take risks and open yourself up to failure, you never live. You never experience the rewards of life. And you become more and more fearful.

What you are most afraid of is the thing that will take you out of your comfort zone and force you to grow, to become a better person. And the good news is that once you do that, then the next time you are afraid it is easier to take that risk. Welcome fear. It will point out to you what you need to work on next, where you need to take action next in order to be successful.

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