Monday, January 25, 2010


"No persons are more frequently wrong, than those who will not admit they are wrong."
Duc De La Rochefoucauld

We often encounter people who will not admit they are wrong. Maybe you have met one of those people who always have to be the center of attention, are never wrong and are better at anyone else than any particular thing. My mother is like that. I have learned that it is a sign of emotional trauma. Somewhere along the way, probably back in childhood, these people have been told that they are not important , not competant, and always wrong. And their ego overcompensates to cope with the damage.

The truth is that most of us start off being wrong. We do things we regret later. We fail. And the first step to learning from our mistakes is having someone supportive point out that we made a mistake (which is not always obvious to us in the beginning). If we don't listen to that person in the first place because we won't admit that we were wrong, then we can't learn what we need to learn to fix the mistake or avoid making it again in the future.

If we can't deal with being wrong, then we will not listen to the advice of those who would help us. If we can't tolerate making a mistake, we will not learn from them. The only way anyone can get better and become successful is to admit that he was wrong, he made a mistake, and he failed. Then he can learn from his mistakes and from the people around him who are trying to help him succeed. Never be afraid to say you screwed up. Because admitting you screwed up is the essential part of making sure you don't screw up next time too. It is essential to your learning, growing, and succeeding.

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