Wednesday, December 2, 2009


“Adventure isn’t hanging on a rope off the side of a mountain. Adventure is an attitude that we must apply to the day to day obstacles of life - Facing new challenges, seizing new opportunities, testing our resources against the unknown and in the process, discovering our own unique potential.”
John Amatt

Most of us have this idea that adventure is doing something spectacular like mountain-climbing or discovering lost cities in the jungle, or deep-sea diving. We are often jealous of people who engage in activities like this. We imagine how much more fun they must be having than we are. We can feel the excitement that often seems to be completely lacking in our own lives. But the lack of excitement in our own lives is only a result of our attitude towards life.

We are meant to face new challenges, seize new opportunities, test our resources against the unknown and in the process, discover our own unique potentional. Only then do we truly live. But the good news is that these things can be applied to our everyday life. Even something as mundane as cooking allows us to seize new opportunities (to try a different food), to face new challenges (to decide which foods would go together best, or how to prepare them most appealingly), and to test our resources against the unknown (to find the most practical yet tasty thing to make for dinner tonight).

Adventure is an attitude that we must apply to the day to day obstacles of life. As we go through life, we are constantly overcoming little challenges that we barely notice. The thrill of conquest doesn’t have to come from climbing Mount Everest. Sometimes it can come from just pleasing everyone at the dinner table. We need to realize that life itself is an adventure, given to us so that we can discover our own unique potential. And sometimes our greatest growth is gained from just getting along smoothly with our family, friends, and workplace.

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