Tuesday, December 29, 2009


The world moves, and ideas that were once good are not always good.
Dwight Eisenhower

So many of us, deep down, want the world to stay the same as it is. Sometimes we love certain things and wish that they would always be there. Sometimes we are afraid that if the world changed, it would change for the worse. And then stay that way. We often forget that if the world changed, it might very well change into something that works out better for us. And we forget that the world is constantly changing; that change is inevitable and it's only a matter of time. Whether we love something, or hate something, it is not going to be around us very long.

As the world changes, so do our needs and priorities. We constantly have to reinvent ourselves to keep up with our surroundings. Some days we need more and some days we need less. Some days we need more encouragement and some days we need more food. Some days all we can think about is how to survive the day, and some days we are busy thinking about what fancy new toy we want to buy. All of this makes life more interesting and challenging. And it is all meant to teach us lessons about ourselves.

But with all these changes, ideas that were practical and useful at one time will not always be that way. It is those people who come up with fresh new ideas, and who continually adapt their thinking to the changes they search for and see just around the corner, who are the most successful. Just as it is essential to continually be learning new things, it is also essential to continually be open to new ideas; even if those new ideas are so radical that they sound silly at first. Of course, you need to do your homework, since many new ideas really are as impractical as they sound, but never reject then out of hand. Mixed in with all the rocks, you just might discover a pearl.

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