Friday, December 11, 2009


“Whatever you want in life, other people are going to want it too. Believe in yourself enough to accept the idea that you have an equal right to it
Diane Sawyer

There is a lot of competition in life. Some people thrive on it, and others are scared of it. But we all want the good stuff. Most of all, we all want to know that we are better than someone else. Our ego really thrives on winning, on being the best. Winning is it’s lifeblood. But the problem with competition, of course, is that only one person can win. Everyone else “loses”. That’s why some people are so scared of it. They see themselves as losers. They lack to confidence to try again.

They don’t think they deserve to win. They think that they don’t have enough talent to be as good as their competitors. They feel that they will never be better than them. They remember all the times that they have lost in the past, and assume that will continue. They have no confidence in themselves. They don’t have faith in their abilities. They don’t even see themselves as worthy of having the prize.

In order to be a winner, it is essential that you beleive in yourself and in your abilities. You need to beleive that you deserve success and that you can do whatever it takes to acheive that. You need to beleive that you have just as much of a right to those things you desire as anyone else does. You need to beleive that your talent is, or can be, just as great as any of your competitors. You need to beleive that you are just as deserving as they are. You must beleive that all people are created equal in the sense that they all are worthy and deserving of having everything they desire.

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