Saturday, December 5, 2009

Doubts and Fears

Don't waste your life in doubts and fears: spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour's duties will be the best preparation for the hours or ages that follow it.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

How often do we worry about the future? And when we are not worrying about it, we are busy trying to guess what it holds in store for us. We are worried that we won't get what we want, or that some unfortunate surprise will happen. Some of us even worry about the world coming to an end! But all this worrying is completely useless. It isn't going to change the future; especially when we don't even know what the future will hold in store for us

Sometimes we are afraid that we will continue in the future all the mistakes we have made in the past. This is a valid concern, but assumes that we don't have the capacity to change our behavior. And indeed, we probably won't change our behavior; unless we forget about the future, and about the past, and concentrate on what is going on around us right now. Now is the only time we can change our behavior for the better.

We can only act on what is going on right now. The past is over with and the future is unknown. The only way we can influence the future at all is by taking the right actions in the present moment. And we can only take the right actions if we are aware about what actually is going on around us at the present moment. If you want to prepare for the future, and to create a future you love, you must focus not on the future, not on the past, but on the present moment. If you focus on what you want most for the future and do what needs doing right now, that future will fall into place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Tracy, Good article basically stipulating that we put the required energy to do our very best, in the present moment.

I would say it's really important to focus on our future, like where we want to go. Also to compare our goals with our results, so we get a real feel of our time frame. This helps us reach shorter and bigger goals, such as when we can afford to redo the dining room floor, or even when can I retire!