Sunday, December 27, 2009


The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.
Albert Einstein

There probably isn't one of us who doesn't wish that they could be a child again. I think that is partly because children are carefree because they have someone to look after all their needs but I think that mostly it is because children still find the world an exciting place. Those of us who are lucky enough to be around small children invariably find them enchanting no matter how much work they entail. The reason for this is that small children see their world as wondrous, and we have forgotten how to do this.

Slowly but consistently over the years we have been taught to disregard what we experience and learn the facts that other people think are important. We are taught to do what other people think we should do (in order to please themselves, not us). Our world becomes that of other people, of society's expectations, and their perceptions become more important than our own. We become adult and the world is no longer a fun place. Because it is no longer our own world. It is theirs.

But it doesn't have to be like that. Those people who pursue truth and beauty (the artists and the scientists) can remain children all their lives. And we all have the artist and the scientist in ourselves if we will search for it, and when we find it nurture it. We can make time in our lives to play, to pursue truth and beauty, and have fun. Watching TV isn't fun. Make your downtime count, do something special. Go outside and study the leaves on the trees, or the bugs on the sidewalk. Create your own art or visit an art museum and admire someone else's. Do whatever you need to do to connect with your inner child. Your life will be much more enjoyable.

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