Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Concerning all acts of initiative there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and endless plans: That the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves, too.

Some people hate to commit themselves to anything. They like to keep their options open. They are afraid that if they commit themselves to doing something, it may not work out for them. They don’t commit themselves to marriage, for example, because they are afraid that if the relationship turns sour they will be stuck with it because it will be difficult to get a divorce. They just don’t want to take that risk. So they drift from one person to another, searching for a relationship that is foolproof. Unfortunately the only things that are guaranteed are death and taxes.

If you keep your options open, you are saying to “God” (or spirit or the Universe or whatever you would like to call the higher power) that you don’t think any one of them is very important and/or you don’t beleive that any of them will work out for you. You essentially don’t know what you really want. “God”, then, doesn’t know how to help you. It is only when you choose an option that is so important to you that you are determined to make it work, that “God” can know what you need.

Once you commit yourself to one particular option, then “God” will provide you with whatever you need to make that thing happen. When you are commited to acheiving something, then your heart and mind will be focused on it. You will be much more motivated to make it work, because you have effectively cut off your escape routes. There’s no going back. You have taken a big risk, and so you expect that risk to pay off for you. And with “God’s” help, it will.

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