Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Make your burning desire stronger than the fault-finding and criticisms of others. When your desire burns brighter than the sting of criticism, then criticism has no sting, and nothing can or will stop you.”
Matt Furey

It is so much easier to do something when we have the support of the people around us. But often they don’t approve of what we are trying to do, and they’re not shy about telling us so. We all too often give up on our dream in an effort to please the people around us, or at least because we don’t like to hear their critisism. It hurts.

We tend to listen to our friends and family because we think that perhaps they know something that we don’t know. Maybe they are right. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea after all. We end up trying to second-guess ourselves. We pay attention to their words. We beleive them more than we beleive ourselves. It is only when we beleive ourselves more than we beleive them that we can ignore what they say, and plough ahead on the strength of our convictions. We must beleive in ourselves, in our choices, and in our ability to fulfill them, before we can not listen to the critisism around us.

When we are so sure about our choices and we desire our goals so much that we can ignore what other people are saying about how we shouldn’t or can’t do it, then nothing can stop us. The critisism of others is the last barrier between you and your success. When you want something so much that you don’t care what anyone thinks about you or your goals, it is only a matter of time before you will get it. Your desire will be burning so bright that you won’t even see any obstacles. Success is yours.

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