Sunday, November 1, 2009


Miracles: You do not have to look for them. They are there, 24-7, beaming like radio waves all around you. Put up the antenna, turn up the volume - snap… crackle… this just in, every person you talk to is a chance to change the world…”
Hugh Elliott

Do you believe in miracles? They sound too good to be true. Or maybe they could happen to someone else but not to you. Pigs might fly. You may have read about a miracle that happened to someone and thought “There must be some scientific explanation for that somewhere”. We aren’t willling to accept the existance of something we don’t understand. We don’t understand that life itself is a miracle. We just take it for granted.

Miracles are going on all around us but we don’t see them because we are not looking for them. We are not even acknowledging their existance. Have you thought about how miraculous your life is lately; to say nothing of the sheer diversity of life forms? We are unaware of the miracles around us because we are focusing on the practical and urgent matters of our life. We don’t have time for anything that we can’t take action to fix. If it is not being a problem, it seems not worth our time. We fail to see what is going right in the world.

More importantly, we fail to see how we ourselves participate in the miracles around us. We figure that we are too insignificant, or perhaps too incompetant, to have much of an effect on anything. But even the smallest things we do can work miracles. By saying a few kind words to someone, we might have saved his life. By making an idle comment, we might inspire someone to do something really significant. Every person we talk to, everything we do, is a chance to change the world. Our awareness of that fact is what allows us to change the world for the better.

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