Sunday, November 22, 2009


Never fear shadows.... that always means there is a light shining somewhere. -- Jonathan Santos

We are very fearful creatures. We are always afraid that the worst will come to the worst. We are afraid that something will go wrong, that we will make a mistake, that other people will laugh at us. We are afraid of having a problem that we can't fix. We even talk about it being "the end of the world" if something really bad happens to us. But it isn't the end of the world. The trick lies in getting ourselves to really beleive that.

We will never live in a world where bad things never happen. God sends us bad things for several reasons. One is to prove to us that we can cope with whatever happens (life goes on). Another is to show us how strong our integrity, dedication to our goal, and character is. A third motive is to help us realize what we need to know about ourselves in order to improve. God never sends us bad things to punish us or make us miserable.

Never fear shadows.... that always means there is a light shining somewhere. There is always a lesson to be learned from whatever happens to us, and it is up to us to find it. We need to train ourselves to look for the light that is shining somewhere.
Whenever something "bad" happens, no matter what it is, we need to ask ourselves "What is God trying to show me here. What is the lesson I can learn from this, either about myself or about other people or both? How can I use it for my own improvement?". So often, a disaster becomes a blessing in disquise. If we learn to ask the right questions, this will happen all the time.

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