Thursday, November 26, 2009


“Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all your energies on a limited set of targets.”
Nido Qubein

How focused are you? We live in a society in which thousands of marketing messages are constantly bombarding us, let alone all the messages from the people around us. Some people can’t get off their cell phones even when they are in the bathroom. We are constantly being encouraged to look at this and do that. It can be completely overwhelming, unless you are able to prioritize which messages are really improtant. You don’t know what’s really important unless you have very clear goals so that you can choose to only pay attention to messages that are relevant to what you intend to acheive.

“A jack of all trades is a master of none”. We only have a limited amount of time and energy and money, so it only makes sense not to waste it on things that aren’t going to produce the results we really want. What results are produced when you watch TV? Does it help you move towards realizing your goals? Unless you’re watching educational TV, the answer is almost certainly no. So why watch it? Why not go out there and do something that does help you acheive the things you want most?

The fewer things you focus on, the faster you will see results. If you work on one goal at a time, and you can give it all your attention and energy, and even money, imagine how much faster you will acheive that goal. If you are thinking about many different things at once, you can’t move forwards very far on any one of them. When you can’t move forwards on any one thing, you will start to feel overwhelmed and frustrated and inclined to quit working on any of them. Start today to only focus on one goal at a time. Concentrate on that until it is acheived. Then move onto your next goal. That’s the way to really get things done so you can acheive what you want.

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