Sunday, November 29, 2009


Make rest a neccesity,not an objective.Only rest long enough to gather strenghth. -- Jim Rohn

We all need rest. To run ourselves into the ground does nobody any good. We can't be so focused on working that we ignore our health and welfare. We all know workoholics and they are not healthy people. We need time to rest and rejeuvenate ourselves. We all know that very often it is when we are quiet and relaxed that we get ideas for how to proceed, and when we come back to the task at hand we can cope with it a lot better.

So rest is a necessity if we are to efficiently cope with the inevitable problems and obstacles we have. We need to make an appointment with ourselves to have a time of rest every day where we can be quiet and will not be disturbed. If we fail to schedule a time of rest, it will be forgotten amongst all the other things we have scheduled.

The next question is how long to rest. Only rest long enough to gather strength. Only rest long enough that you feel ready to tackle your problem or obstacle again with new understanding and new strength. If you rest too long, you are wasting valuable time that could be spend overcoming obstacles, solving problems and moving forward to your goals. You will start to feel lazy and sluggish and unmotivated if you rest too long.

Even with resting, there is a window of opportunity. Make sure you catch it. You must rest every day, but only until you are ready to tackle the next step with enthusiasm, and newfound strength and wisdom. The turtle probably won the race against the hare because he stopped to rest but not for too long.

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