Friday, September 25, 2009


"Never forget that life can only be nobly inspired and rightly lived if you take it bravely and gallantly, as a splendid adventure in which you are setting out into an unknown country, to meet many a joy, to find many a comrade, to win and lose many a battle."
Annie Besant

Are you scared of setting out into an unknown country? Many of us are scared of change and fight against it with everything in us. We cling to old traditions and "the way it's always been done" like a security blanket. But just as a child needs to give up his security blanket as he matures, we must give up the desire for everything in our lives to remain the same. We were meant to learn and grow, and in order to do that, we must be able to embrace the changes, which will inevitably happen.

Life really is an adventure, and unless we see it that way, we will never have any fun. In the adventure of life, we can never know what will happen in the future so we need to be prepared to adapt to anything and everything. It is the very unpredictability of life that makes it exciting, challenging, and interesting. We are only bored when nothing new is happening. We can't have any fun unless we surprise ourselves with new knowledge about what we can do, in other words unless we can meet new challenges successfully.

In the best of lives, you are setting out into an unknown country, to meet many a joy, to find many a comrade, to win and lose many a battle. There is excitement and passion in this kind of life. There is fun, success, and real happiness, even though there are battles that you will fight and lose. Those losses will strengthen you for the next battle, when you learn from them. This is the life nobly inspired and rightly lived.

I am setting off on a new adventure, moving to another country to begin a new life. Therefore, there will be no blog posts untill I get myself organized with access to a computer. This might be a week or more. I appreciate your patience!

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Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.
Earl Nightingale

The reason we talk about luck is because we really don't know what has been planted in our subconscious mind. We think some people are lucky or unlucky because we don't understand that their predominant thoughts are causing their reality. We instead think that an environment we can't control is what causes our reality.

We don't really know what we really beleive because most of our beleifs were not of our own choosing. We learn from other people, who very often don't know the truth themselves, and often tell us contradictory messages. No wonder we see ourselves as victims of consequences. What we really are is victims of someone else's beleifs.

We often get emotional about what other people have told us. We might really want to beleive it, or to not want to beleive it. We might think that we really want one thing or to really wish another thing would just go away. But what we want or don't want is just a reflection of our subconscous beleifs. And the more emotional we feel, then the stronger the beleifs that support those desires will grow.

We all repeat things a lot. We think the same beleifs over and over again until they become a habit. And this causes us to do the same types of actions over and over again until they become a habit too. Once anything becomes a habit we stop consciously thinking about it. At that point it becomes very difficult to stop repeating it.

Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality. So the big question is: what has been planted in your subconscious mind? And more importantly: do you really want it there? If it doesn't make you feel good, then it is time to get rid of it. Because if you don't, and you continue to nourish it, it will eventually become your reality.

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009


People are not lazy. They simply have impotent goals - that is, goals that do not inspire them.
Tony Robbins

What kind of goals do you have. For some people, their goal is to simply make it through the day without any disasters. For others, their goal is to have a mansion by the sea or a fleet of fancy cars. But the goal of making it through the day okay is based on fear rather than love. And fear just isn't inspiring, in fact it tends to discourage any inspiration. And the goal of having a lot of beautiful things isn't really inspiring either because it is just based on idle selfish desires instead of a desire to solve a pressing problem for yourself and others.

How hard are you willing to work to have a fancy car or a beautiful mansion? Are you willing to give up everything else in order to work towards it, including your hobbies and your time with friends and family? The answer is probably no. But if your goal was to prevent breast cancer because someone in your family had the disease, for example, the answer is much more likely to be yes. That kind of goal is much more inspiring because it comes from a desire to make life better for everyone, including yourself.

It is the quality of your goal that determines how hard you are willing to work to acheive it. And that of course strongly influences the likelihood of your success. Those people who do have mansions by the sea and fleets of fancy cars only have them as a byproduct of their success. They had a strong potent goal which gave them the determination to succeed, and once they did reach that goal, then they could acquire all those things that indulge their selfish desires. But the unselfish goal has to come first and foremost. If one wants to be successful, one must find a goal that is truly inspiring to them.

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Monday, September 21, 2009


"Even in the common affairs of life, in love, friendship, and marriage, how little security have we when we trust our happiness in the hands of others!"
Paul Aubuchon

Are you entrusting your happiness to other people? Do you think that it is within the power of someone else to make you happy? Do you think that someone else should make you happy? These are questions we often don't think about because we have been taught from a very young age that other people have the power to make us happy, or to take away our happiness. We have learned to be dependant on other people for our very happiness.

But other people cannot be responsible for our happiness any more than we can be responsible for theirs. Ultimately each of us must take back control over our own happiness. If we rely on other people to bring us joy, they can very quickly bring us pain. If we rely on ourselves for our joy, we never need to know pain; for preventing it is now under our own control.

When we control our own happiness, that is the ultimate security. Whatever other people do, we can still find joy in living. Other people won't have the power to hurt us; which means that we will be free of the desire to hurt them. We won't get discouraged about the future because we will never feel alone. And happiness is the key to success, so when we take back control over our own happiness, we are taking back control over our successs too. Success brings the security we desire.

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Saturday, September 19, 2009


"Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for."
Joseph Addison

We all want to be happy yet happiness often eludes us. The website of the National Institute of Mental Health tells us that depression is the leading cause of disability among Americans between the ages of 15 and 44. Statistics also show that 6.7% of Americans are affected by Major Depression, and 9.5% have a depressive disorder, in any particular calendar year. That's a lot of unhappy people.

In order to be happy we need to have something to do. But not just anything, our actions must be meaningful to us. That is, they must be directed to a goal that is important and significant to us. So many of us are on a treadmill because we don't have any well defined goals that are important enough to us for us to want to work consistently towards them. We often sit and wish for things, but we were meant to take action towards them too.

In order to be happy we must have something to love. We must care about something other than ourselves. When we are focused on someone else or something else and how to eliminate their problems, our own problems tend to vanish away too. When we love, we are grateful; and this makes us feel more like our other needs will be taken care of somehow, by the same entity that brought this wonderful thing (or person) into our life in order to enrich us.

In order to be happy we must have something to hope for. We can't be happy unless we expect good things to happen in the future. We must be able to visualize things going well, even if they are not going well around us right now. We must have hope to create enough motivation to keep taking action to create the life we that we have discovered that we love.

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Thursday, September 17, 2009


The greater difficulty, the more glory in surmounting it. Skillful pilots gain their reputation from storms and tempests.

We were created to want to succeed. If we are not yet successful, we admire successful people and wish we could be like them. If we are already successful, we set our sights on even higher goals. Success is a journey, not a destination. No matter how successful we are, there are always more successes to go for. We can never have enough success in our lifetime.

But we want our success to come easy. We don't want to work too hard for it. Instead life throws all kinds of obstacles at us. These obstacles test how serious we are about wanting to acheive something. It's easy to say "I want to be a millionaire". It's another thing altogether to say "I am willing to do whatever it takes to become a millionaire". That's "where the rubber meets the road". If we are not determined to overcome all obstacles, then we don't really want to acheive our goal. It's just a idle wish, instead of a commitment.

If our success came easy, we, and others, would just take it for granted. It wouldn't mean very much. The truth is that success is only satisfying to the extent that we had to work for it, to struggle and sacrifice and fail. How do we know that we succeeded if we have never failed, and never even had to deal with an obstacle?

Skillful pilots gain their reputation from storms and tempests. They prove themselves capable because they have demonstrated that they can deal with all the obstacles they are likely to encounter.

The greater difficulty, the sweeter the victory, the more people will be impressed by your accomplishment and the better you will feel about yourself. Welcome obstacles and problems. They are put there to let you prove to yourself that you are truly capable and deserving of success.

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009


"Aim for a 1% improvement every single day"

Whenever we really desire something, especially when it involves being a happier person, we want it yesterday. We want a 100% improvement right now. We all get impatient at times. We want to be like our hero but getting that way seems like it would take forever. More and more in our society we are just not willing to wait for anything. We don't even want to wait a few minutes at McDonalds for our food to be cooked.

But nothing happens overnight. The successes of the people we admire took years of preparation, and probably many failures. There is simply no quick fix when major changes are involved, especially when it comes to a person's character or wisdom or beliefs. We just have to be patient.

The best way to move forward is to aim for a 1% improvement every day instead of a 100% improvement in day. We all can manage a 1% improvement in a day. We might just have to do one small thing, take one small baby step, towards our goals. And if we continue to improve every day, it won't be long before we see enough improvement to keep us motivated and encouraged. It's only when we start forgetting a day, and then it becomes two, and then more, that we get discouraged and quit. What really is important to us is whether we are making progress or not. If we know we are making progress, then it's much easier to be patient.

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Sunday, September 13, 2009


"Sow an act...reap a habit; Sow a habit...reap a character; Sow a character...reap a destiny."
George Dana Boardman

We often wonder what our destiny is. We often think that a destiny is something that God gives us along with our brown eyes and small bones. We often think that our future is pre-destined, and that there is not much we can do to change anything. We just go along for the ride and wonder what will happen in the future. We even gaze into crystal balls trying to figure out what lies ahead in our future.

The truth is that it is we who determine what our destiny is. Our destiny is ultimately whatever we want it to be. It is we who have the power to shape our lives, although most of us don't exersise it. Our destiny depends on what we do every day. It depends on the acts and beleifs that we repeat so often that they become habits. We barely notice our habits but they creep into our very self-definition. "I" am the person who does ... all the time"

Our habits shape our character. It is through our habits that we build up the virtues of thoughtfulness, kindness, courage, growth. It is also through our habits that we become known as a person of carelessness, meanness, cowardice, laziness. Our habits are what makes or breaks our reputation. It is our habits that make other people decide whether to work with us and help us or not.

And ultimately our habits create our destiny. If we are destined to meet a tall, dark, handsome stranger, it will be our habits that lead us to him. It will be our habits that determine, to a large extent, how long we live and what the quality of our life will be. Do great things so you develop great habits, which leads to great character. Then you will be destined for great things.

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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Good Day

"You're not going to make me have a bad day. If there's oxygen on earth and I'm breathing, it's going to be a good day."
Cotton Fitzsimmons

Most of us do let other people ruin our day. We figure that if we didn't get done what we wanted to get done then our day was ruined. We think that if things didn't go the way we wanted them to go then our day was ruined. One small thing can ruin our whole day because we have this idea that things should go the way we want (and whenever we say "should" we get into trouble- should is a dirty word).

But why let other people ruin your day? You are giving them control over your life, that you need to take back. You can't have control over what anyone does or over what happens, but you always have control over how you react to it. And that is what makes the difference between having a good day or a bad day. You just need to change your perceptions.

Whatever happened to you, chances are there are many people experiencing much worse things, and you can be grateful you aren't one of them. Be grateful that you're alive and well. Don't take anything good for granted; there are so many blessings around us that we tend to ignore because we're concerned about the bad things. As long as you're alive, it's going to be a good day.

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Monday, September 7, 2009


Tragedy, sadness, loneliness and despair taught me that life is really a beautiful thing; if it wasn't I wouldn't be able to recognize that anything was wrong
Greg Evans

Here's a different way to look at life. We all tend to have some hope or expectation that life should go just the way we want it to. It seems that if one little thing goes wrong, then we feel like our lives are ruined. It's just like when we make one little mistake, and it causes us feel like we are a failure. We overexaggerate the bad because we want so much for everything to be perfect. We become overly focused on what is wrong with life.

Life is really very good. There are blessings all around us, which most of us don't even see. Everywhere inspiring things are going on, if we would just seek them out. But instead we seem to seek out the bad. The media brings us endless stories of killings, and crashes and genocides and fires etc and very few stories of the good things that people are doing everywhere. Imagine a newscast that actually focused on inspiring and motivating events. There's enough good things going on out there for them to do that, if they wanted to.

If our lives were really bad, then we wouldn't recognize tragedy, sadness, loneliness and despair. We would just see them as more of the same; they would just blend in. It is only because life is so good most of the time, that we can have the perception that it should be that way. The bad things actually stand out in our minds so much because they are so relatively unusual.

It is essential for us to learn to appreciate what a wonderful life we really have, instead of obscessing about all the bad things in the world. Maybe the bad things are really meant to show us how lucky we are the rest of the time. So that they too become good things. Everything, whether it seems good or bad, is meant to benefit us by helping us learn and grow

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Saturday, September 5, 2009


There is no happiness except in the realization that we have accomplished something.
Henry Ford

Human beings are meant to grow and develop, and accomplishing things is a very important part of that growth. Sometimes we forget that doing isn't necessarily the only way to accomplish something. If we are having trouble with a problem and we train ourselves to see it differently, we have made a significant accomplishment even before we try to do something about that problem. A shift in the way that we are may be even of an accomplishment than any actions we take, and will usually make those actions much more effective and satisfying.

Somewhere in our minds we have got doing mixed up with having. When we talk about being happy, we talk about being happy when we have something. Doing work certainly allows you to have things, but you can also have things without doing anything. We are all blessed with sunshine and rain yet we don't have to do anything in order to receive it. And the other side of the coin is that when we have what we thought we wanted, we often are still not happy. It is not the having that makes us happy.

We all know that we appreciate things much more, and are much more happy with them, when we did the work necessary to have them. It is only then that what we have is our own accomplishment, and that is what really matters to us. It is only then that we find satisfaction with ourselves. And soon we are motivated to move on to bigger accomplishments. It is in the realization that we can accomplish what I wanted to, the satisfaction that comes from being a better person because of that accomplishment, that we find our real happiness.

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Thursday, September 3, 2009


"It's not where you start - it's where you finish that counts."
Zig Ziglar

We all have great ideas about what we want, even if we just know that what we want is something that is not what we already have. If we are poor, we know that we want wealth, even if we don't really know what being wealthy involves, just to get away from our feeling of lack. Some of us have modest ambitions, while others have much greater ambitions than is practical for any one person to do. But we are all so focused on the finish line that we fail to consider where we are starting from.

We forget that the wealthy, successful, beautiful people weren't always like that. They all started out being people much like ourselves. We forget that the only difference between them and us is that they knew exactly what they wanted, and went after it without giving up when they reached an obstacle. But we can learn to do that too. It doesn't matter where we start, as long as we keep moving towards our goal, we will eventually get there too.

Perhaps the most important component of success, is self-confidence, the beleif that you can eventually acheive whatever you want, no matter how many obstacles there appear to be between you and it. All of us have obstacles between us and what we want; what counts is where we finish, whether we give up at the first obstacle or whether we are able to conquer all those obstacles and reach our goal. It's not where you start - it's where you finish that counts.

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009


"No one ever attains very eminent success by simply doing what is required of him; it is the amount and excellence of what is over and above the required that determines the greatness of ultimate distinction."
Charles Kendall Adams

Do you do what is required of you? In order to accomplish that, you do, of course, have to know what it is that is required of you. You need to thoroughly understand your job description, which is not spelt out for most of the things you will do. You need to be well aware of what other people expect from you, what they would define as a adequate or satisfactory job. And then you need to be good enough to fulfill those expectations.

But being adequate is not enough. Almost by definition, many people can do your job adequately, whatever your job might be. You must stand out in order to be really successful. You need to go above and beyond the call of duty. You must impress people enough that they remember you, and call upon you again. In order to do that, you must be better than all those other people who just perform adequately.

How does one go above and beyond the call of duty? It is a case of knowing what people really want, and being motivated to give it to them even though the job description doesn't include those things. It is a case of continually asking yourself "How can I do more? How can I do the job better?" It is a case of continually learning everything you can about your field of endeavor.

This doesn't just apply to work but to anything you want to be successful at. Whether you want to start a new business, raise a child, or bake a cake, it is the amount and excellence of what is over and above the required that determines the greatness of ultimate distinction.

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