Sunday, September 13, 2009


"Sow an act...reap a habit; Sow a habit...reap a character; Sow a character...reap a destiny."
George Dana Boardman

We often wonder what our destiny is. We often think that a destiny is something that God gives us along with our brown eyes and small bones. We often think that our future is pre-destined, and that there is not much we can do to change anything. We just go along for the ride and wonder what will happen in the future. We even gaze into crystal balls trying to figure out what lies ahead in our future.

The truth is that it is we who determine what our destiny is. Our destiny is ultimately whatever we want it to be. It is we who have the power to shape our lives, although most of us don't exersise it. Our destiny depends on what we do every day. It depends on the acts and beleifs that we repeat so often that they become habits. We barely notice our habits but they creep into our very self-definition. "I" am the person who does ... all the time"

Our habits shape our character. It is through our habits that we build up the virtues of thoughtfulness, kindness, courage, growth. It is also through our habits that we become known as a person of carelessness, meanness, cowardice, laziness. Our habits are what makes or breaks our reputation. It is our habits that make other people decide whether to work with us and help us or not.

And ultimately our habits create our destiny. If we are destined to meet a tall, dark, handsome stranger, it will be our habits that lead us to him. It will be our habits that determine, to a large extent, how long we live and what the quality of our life will be. Do great things so you develop great habits, which leads to great character. Then you will be destined for great things.

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