Tuesday, September 15, 2009


"Aim for a 1% improvement every single day"

Whenever we really desire something, especially when it involves being a happier person, we want it yesterday. We want a 100% improvement right now. We all get impatient at times. We want to be like our hero but getting that way seems like it would take forever. More and more in our society we are just not willing to wait for anything. We don't even want to wait a few minutes at McDonalds for our food to be cooked.

But nothing happens overnight. The successes of the people we admire took years of preparation, and probably many failures. There is simply no quick fix when major changes are involved, especially when it comes to a person's character or wisdom or beliefs. We just have to be patient.

The best way to move forward is to aim for a 1% improvement every day instead of a 100% improvement in day. We all can manage a 1% improvement in a day. We might just have to do one small thing, take one small baby step, towards our goals. And if we continue to improve every day, it won't be long before we see enough improvement to keep us motivated and encouraged. It's only when we start forgetting a day, and then it becomes two, and then more, that we get discouraged and quit. What really is important to us is whether we are making progress or not. If we know we are making progress, then it's much easier to be patient.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit http://www.reachingmypotential.com

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