Saturday, September 5, 2009


There is no happiness except in the realization that we have accomplished something.
Henry Ford

Human beings are meant to grow and develop, and accomplishing things is a very important part of that growth. Sometimes we forget that doing isn't necessarily the only way to accomplish something. If we are having trouble with a problem and we train ourselves to see it differently, we have made a significant accomplishment even before we try to do something about that problem. A shift in the way that we are may be even of an accomplishment than any actions we take, and will usually make those actions much more effective and satisfying.

Somewhere in our minds we have got doing mixed up with having. When we talk about being happy, we talk about being happy when we have something. Doing work certainly allows you to have things, but you can also have things without doing anything. We are all blessed with sunshine and rain yet we don't have to do anything in order to receive it. And the other side of the coin is that when we have what we thought we wanted, we often are still not happy. It is not the having that makes us happy.

We all know that we appreciate things much more, and are much more happy with them, when we did the work necessary to have them. It is only then that what we have is our own accomplishment, and that is what really matters to us. It is only then that we find satisfaction with ourselves. And soon we are motivated to move on to bigger accomplishments. It is in the realization that we can accomplish what I wanted to, the satisfaction that comes from being a better person because of that accomplishment, that we find our real happiness.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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