Tuesday, September 22, 2009


People are not lazy. They simply have impotent goals - that is, goals that do not inspire them.
Tony Robbins

What kind of goals do you have. For some people, their goal is to simply make it through the day without any disasters. For others, their goal is to have a mansion by the sea or a fleet of fancy cars. But the goal of making it through the day okay is based on fear rather than love. And fear just isn't inspiring, in fact it tends to discourage any inspiration. And the goal of having a lot of beautiful things isn't really inspiring either because it is just based on idle selfish desires instead of a desire to solve a pressing problem for yourself and others.

How hard are you willing to work to have a fancy car or a beautiful mansion? Are you willing to give up everything else in order to work towards it, including your hobbies and your time with friends and family? The answer is probably no. But if your goal was to prevent breast cancer because someone in your family had the disease, for example, the answer is much more likely to be yes. That kind of goal is much more inspiring because it comes from a desire to make life better for everyone, including yourself.

It is the quality of your goal that determines how hard you are willing to work to acheive it. And that of course strongly influences the likelihood of your success. Those people who do have mansions by the sea and fleets of fancy cars only have them as a byproduct of their success. They had a strong potent goal which gave them the determination to succeed, and once they did reach that goal, then they could acquire all those things that indulge their selfish desires. But the unselfish goal has to come first and foremost. If one wants to be successful, one must find a goal that is truly inspiring to them.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit http://www.reachingmypotential.com

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