Monday, September 7, 2009


Tragedy, sadness, loneliness and despair taught me that life is really a beautiful thing; if it wasn't I wouldn't be able to recognize that anything was wrong
Greg Evans

Here's a different way to look at life. We all tend to have some hope or expectation that life should go just the way we want it to. It seems that if one little thing goes wrong, then we feel like our lives are ruined. It's just like when we make one little mistake, and it causes us feel like we are a failure. We overexaggerate the bad because we want so much for everything to be perfect. We become overly focused on what is wrong with life.

Life is really very good. There are blessings all around us, which most of us don't even see. Everywhere inspiring things are going on, if we would just seek them out. But instead we seem to seek out the bad. The media brings us endless stories of killings, and crashes and genocides and fires etc and very few stories of the good things that people are doing everywhere. Imagine a newscast that actually focused on inspiring and motivating events. There's enough good things going on out there for them to do that, if they wanted to.

If our lives were really bad, then we wouldn't recognize tragedy, sadness, loneliness and despair. We would just see them as more of the same; they would just blend in. It is only because life is so good most of the time, that we can have the perception that it should be that way. The bad things actually stand out in our minds so much because they are so relatively unusual.

It is essential for us to learn to appreciate what a wonderful life we really have, instead of obscessing about all the bad things in the world. Maybe the bad things are really meant to show us how lucky we are the rest of the time. So that they too become good things. Everything, whether it seems good or bad, is meant to benefit us by helping us learn and grow

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