Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.
Earl Nightingale

The reason we talk about luck is because we really don't know what has been planted in our subconscious mind. We think some people are lucky or unlucky because we don't understand that their predominant thoughts are causing their reality. We instead think that an environment we can't control is what causes our reality.

We don't really know what we really beleive because most of our beleifs were not of our own choosing. We learn from other people, who very often don't know the truth themselves, and often tell us contradictory messages. No wonder we see ourselves as victims of consequences. What we really are is victims of someone else's beleifs.

We often get emotional about what other people have told us. We might really want to beleive it, or to not want to beleive it. We might think that we really want one thing or to really wish another thing would just go away. But what we want or don't want is just a reflection of our subconscous beleifs. And the more emotional we feel, then the stronger the beleifs that support those desires will grow.

We all repeat things a lot. We think the same beleifs over and over again until they become a habit. And this causes us to do the same types of actions over and over again until they become a habit too. Once anything becomes a habit we stop consciously thinking about it. At that point it becomes very difficult to stop repeating it.

Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality. So the big question is: what has been planted in your subconscious mind? And more importantly: do you really want it there? If it doesn't make you feel good, then it is time to get rid of it. Because if you don't, and you continue to nourish it, it will eventually become your reality.

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