Thursday, September 3, 2009


"It's not where you start - it's where you finish that counts."
Zig Ziglar

We all have great ideas about what we want, even if we just know that what we want is something that is not what we already have. If we are poor, we know that we want wealth, even if we don't really know what being wealthy involves, just to get away from our feeling of lack. Some of us have modest ambitions, while others have much greater ambitions than is practical for any one person to do. But we are all so focused on the finish line that we fail to consider where we are starting from.

We forget that the wealthy, successful, beautiful people weren't always like that. They all started out being people much like ourselves. We forget that the only difference between them and us is that they knew exactly what they wanted, and went after it without giving up when they reached an obstacle. But we can learn to do that too. It doesn't matter where we start, as long as we keep moving towards our goal, we will eventually get there too.

Perhaps the most important component of success, is self-confidence, the beleif that you can eventually acheive whatever you want, no matter how many obstacles there appear to be between you and it. All of us have obstacles between us and what we want; what counts is where we finish, whether we give up at the first obstacle or whether we are able to conquer all those obstacles and reach our goal. It's not where you start - it's where you finish that counts.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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