Friday, September 26, 2008


"Minds, like bodies, will often fall into a pimpled, ill-conditioned state from mere excess of comfort"

Minds, like bodies, are meant to be used. They are meant to be challenged to improve. You know how lousy you feel if you've been sitting around all week doing nothing. Your body longs to be used, to get exersise. It doesn't want comfort for long, just long enough for it to repair itself from its growing pains and get ready for more growth. People who don't get much exersise tend to get sick more easily and they just feel worse than those people who exersise frequently. We all know that about our bodies, but we often don't seem to understand that our brains work in the same way.

Minds that stay within their comfort zone don't grow and expand. So many people aren't even aware that they have a comfort zone, because they don't realize that there's something outside of it. They see their family and freinds all thinking the same way and assume that's all there is. If we never explore new ideas or new ways of doing things, then our mind rots. It becomes incapable. And most importantly, we become depressed. Life becomes boring without the thrill of discovery. It becomes a drudgery.

A truly successful person is constantly pushing both their minds and bodies to improve. Just as they exersise frequently, they are always reading and listening and learning. They seek out ideas that are different from their own, so as to find the bigger picture. They learn and grow.

For ideas about how to be truly successful, visit

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