Monday, September 29, 2008

Goal Setting

"Happiness, wealth, and success are the by-products of goal setting; they cannot be the goal themselves"
Denis Waitley

Is your goal to be happy, wealthy, and successful? Most people don't understand that those things are the result of reaching your goal, not the goal itself. No matter what you set your goal as, you will be happier, more successful, and possibly wealthier as a result of reaching it.

If you set your goal as being happy, how do you know if you have reached it? How do you know what you have to do in order to reach it? How do you know how long it might take to reach it? The answer is that you don't. If you set your goal as, for example, to invite 6 new friends to your house in the next month, then you will have ideas about how to accomplish that,and you will know when and if you have reached it.

The knowledge that you are moving forwards towards your goal is what will make you truly happy. The knowledge that you are reaching your goal is what will make you feel successful. And, depending on what your goal is, the actions that you took towards your goal is what will make you wealthy.

Decide that you want something that is concrete and measurable. Decide what you need to do to get started on your path towards it. And expect to find happiness, wealth, and success along the journey. Don't wait till the end of the journey for them. They are not the goal.

For ideas about how to be truly successful, visit

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