Sunday, September 28, 2008

Reaching Your Destination

"What you get by reaching your destination is not nearly as important as what you will become by reaching your destination."
Zig Ziglar

We all focus on what we will get when we accomplish something. We focus on getting more money, more things, more fame, more popularity, more prestige. That is typically our motivation for working to improve our situation. We look outside ourself to the way that our surroundings are going to improve. We do whatever we do so we can feel more comfortable or popular.

But it is important to look inside yourself too. In order for your outside situation to change in the way that you want it too, you have to change inside. If you want more money, for example, then you have to be able to offer more people more value. If you want more popularity, then you have to develop sensitivity, caring, integrity, sincerity, respect for others etc. In both cases, you have to become a better person.

There are two ways to reach your destination. You can be motivated by what you will get and in the process will become a better person. Or you can be motivated by the desire to become a better person and in the process will get the things you want. The latter is the best way because
if you focus on becoming a better person the rewards will be much greater than just having something you want. Being a better person will impact all areas of your life, and the lives of others as well in ways you could never predict.

For ideas about how to be truly successful, visit

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