Thursday, September 4, 2008


"To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness"
Bertrand Russell

Have you ever said to yourself "I'll be happy when I get ..." or "I'll be happy when ... happens". This is not a good way to think. For one thing, it shifts your happiness out to some point in the future, instead of today. For another thing, you are making your happiness dependant upon some thing which may or may not ever happen, and even if it does it may get taken away from you at any time.

If you had every thing you want you would not be happy. You probably would get bored with all those things. To appreciate the things you have, you must also know what it is like to want.
Desire is only a bad thing, after all, if we think we won't be able to get what we want. It is those times when we really wanted something and knew we would probably get it that we have felt most alive. It is those times when we have felt happiest. God meant us to want things that we don't already have. It is what makes life meaningful and fun.

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