Wednesday, September 24, 2008


"You can't do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth."
Shira Tehrani

Are you really living your life? Do you wake up excited and eager to begin your day? What is preventing you from doing that? Most people are afraid of death, but they aren't afraid of having a shallow life. I think most people think that a shallow life is how it's meant to be. They don't know anyone with a life that is very deep and wide.

One reason that most people have a shallow life is that they haven't determined what their real mission in life is, why they were sent into this world at this time. In the process of dealing with all the small emergencies that come up and all the requests of the people around them, they have forgotten what really makes them passionate and excited. Life becomes a drudgery of doing what other people want you to do, instead of taking the time to explore what you want for yourself.

It has been said that most people spend more time planning a vacation than they do in planning their life. Take some time for yourself to really ask yourself what you want to do with your life. What do you really beleive in? What would make you wake up excited? You can do something about the width and depth of your life, and when you do the length of it won't be so important. You will be able to reflect on your deathbed that you really accomplished a lot in your time on earth, and every moment was worthwhile.

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