Monday, September 1, 2008


"You cannot manage men into battle. You manage things, you lead people
Grace Murray Hopper

If you are going to become successful, you need to understand the difference between management and leadership. And if you work with men instead of things, which you almost certainly will, you need to become a good leader.

Napoleon Hill lists 11 important attributes of leadership. They are 1) unwavering courage and self-confidence, 2) self-control, 3) a keen sense of justice, 4) definateness of decision, 5) definateness of plans, 6) the habit of doing more than he is paid for, 7) a pleasing personality, 8) sympathy and understanding with his followers, 9) mastery of detail, 10) willingness to assume full responsibility, and 11) cooperation. Leadership is far more effective when the leader has the consent of and sympathy with the followers.

He also lists the 10 major causes of failure of leadership. They are 1) inability to organize details, 2) unwillingness to render humble service (any sort of labor they would ask others to perform), 3) expectation to be paid for what they "know" instead of what they do with that which they know, 4) fear of competition from followers, 5) lack of imagination, 6) selfishness, 7) intemperance (immoderate or violent), 8) disloyalty to anyone, 9) emphasis on the "authority" of his leadership (trying to instil fear in the hearts of his followers), and 10) emphasis on his title. How good a leader are you?

For ideas about how to become truly successful, visit

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