Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Not what we have But what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance.
John Petit-Senn

What does abundance mean to you. Most of us have a difficult time even thinking about abundance, unless it is an abundance of things that we "should" do. We think in terms of scarcity. There never seems to be enough of the things we want. We often can't even imagine having an abundance of money or any of the things that money can buy. Imagining an abundance of time and energy seems even more difficult.

But we are looking for abundance in the wrong places. There is abundance all around us. Nature is abundant by design. Things don't stop growing unless we prevent them from growing, and even then they show enormous resourcefulness. There is an abundance of sunshine when rain is not needed, and an abundance of rain when it is. It is only our man-made things that seem to be in short supply (and that would include time) and that is because man by himself has limited resources.

Abundance is not about how much of something is there. There could be miles of forest but instead of abundance, a developer would just see a big nuisance. His idea of abundance would be plenty of land readied for building subdivisions. Abundance is about what we enjoy.

The reason that most of us don't feel abundance is that we simply don't enjoy all those things that are around us. We don't really even notice them unless they support or get in the way of our immediate goals. It is critical to our mental well-being to start being aware of all the abundance that really surrounds us and being grateful for it, even if it is irrelevant to our short-term goals.

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