Thursday, October 8, 2009


Without hard work, nothing grows but weeds.
Gordon B. Hinckley

It's an interesting metaphor; to think of our life as a garden. Everything in a garden grows without effort; in the same way that we grow to be adults about effort. It's part of Nature's grand design. It just happens. What we sometimes forget though, is that God, and Nature, don't discriminate. EVERYTHING grows just as easily. Everything is equally valued by God. But unfortunately we don't see things that way. We only want the things we like to be in our garden, or our life.

Sometimes we feel like God is somehow punishing us by bringing things we don't want into our lives. We think that things SHOULD be the way that we want them to be. But the truth is that if we don't like what is in our life, it is up to us to do whatever is required to change things. After all, it may be that what you don't want is what the guy down the street or in another country, really wants. Like in a garden, weeds are always going to sprout up. The issue is how do you minimize them by preventing or controling them. Your life is your garden and you can control the weeds if you do the work.

While it is true that everything grows easily in a garden, sometimes the flowers you do want require tender loving care. If they don't get it, they get overrun by the weeds that don't need any attention at all in order to thrive. So not only do we have to minimize the weeds somehow, we have to give special attention to the flowers that we really want in our garden. Any gardener will tell you this requires hard work and constant vigilance. If you leave your garden even for a few weeks, you can expect to come back to a mess.

If that is true for a garden, it is also true for our lives. It requires consistant tender loving care to plant what we want into our minds, and then our lives. It requires constant viligance to get rid of the thoughts, and later things, that we don't want in our minds and in our lives. Without hard work, nothing grows in our garden but weeds. Without hard work, nothing grows in our minds but negativity and painful emotions. Be careful to always be nurturing the garden of your mind.

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