Monday, October 26, 2009

Given Up

Anger, tears and sadness are only for those who have given up
Katie Gill

Have you given up on your goals? Do you even have goals that inspire you? Few people actually have inspiring, motivating, long-range goals. For many of us, our goal is simply to get through the day without any disasters happening. No wonder so many of us lead lives of quiet desperation. We live our lives full of fear that something will go wrong in our lives, not knowing how to prevent that. We feel like we are victims of circumstances we can't control so there is no point having any real goals since we probably won't acheive them anyway.

Those of us who do have goals often have goals that are about acquiring things that we think we want, such as a fancy car or a maid. But goals like this tend to just be idle wishes, not inspiring enough to motivate us to do the work we need to do to acheive that goal. But that doesn't stop us from being jealous of people who do have those things and angry about life's unfairness. We don't see that those people had a inspiring goal that they beleived in, and because of that they kept going until they acheived it. They were successful because they didn't give up despite many obstacles and setbacks.

Anger, tears and sadness are only for those who have given up. Those people who are really happy with their lives have inspiring goals; goals to make the world a better place, not just for themselves but for others too. We were created to improve, not just ourselves but the world around us. We were created to continually grow, and everything that happens to us is intended to support our growth. But in order to truly grow, and to be truly happy, we need goals that inspire us enough to motivate us to do whatever is necessary to acheive them. We need to never givie up on our goals; even if they seem far away, what our soul really needs is to know that we are steadily working towards them. That's really all that matters.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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