Friday, October 16, 2009


Change and growth take place when a person has risked himself and dares to become involved with experimenting with his own life.
Herbert Otto

Are you bored or fed up with your life? Do you want to change and grow? Many of us are but we are afraid of what changes will happen and what we will grow into. We are stuck with a negative expectation. We think that we will either fail and be laughed at, or succeed and have to do things we don't want to do in order to keep up. We doubt that we will be able to deal with any changes in our life. Our life may be upsetting but it is the life we know.

It is time for us to risk ourselves. The only way that our lives can change is if we do something differently. And the only way to find out whether we can cope with it is to have it happen. Most people who have had to go through really difficult changes are surprised at how well they were able to cope with it. And at how it made them grow into a better person. You never know what your limits are until you get up close to them.

It is time for us to experiment with our lives. We need to choose, even if we might find out later that our choice was a mistake. If you've read "the Giver" by Louis Lowry, you will know how horrible a life without choices would be, even if it meant there was no mistakes and no suffering. Sometimes it is only by making the wrong choice that you discover what the right choice is. It may even be that suffering is good for us because it gives us time to reflect on what we really want.

We can only find out what we really want if we are willing to experiment with our lives. We must take risks and not be afraid of failures. This is the only way that real change and growth can take place. And growth is the real purpose of our lives. It's what our souls long for.

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