Sunday, October 4, 2009

We are all inventors, each sailing out on a voyage of discovery, guided each by a private chart, of which there is no duplicate. The world is all gates, all opportunities.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Do you see yourself as an inventor? Do you see yourself as creative? Many of us don't; thinking that creativity is something reserved for artists, musicians, and inventors. We have not been encouraged to use our imagination and our creativity. We are taught to solve mathematical problems using mathematical rules, but not how to solve real-life problems using our inventiveness and creativity. Consequently, we have come to find problem-solving difficult and when faced with a problem, we look for quidance from outside ourselves. We want an instruction manual to tell us what to do. But God intended us to solve our problems by ourselves so we can learn and grow.

We are all sailing on a voyage of discovery. Nobody knows where life will lead them. We can influence our future to some extent but ultimately life will surprise us at least a few times before we're through. That is what makes life fun; what makes life worth living. Because each time life surprises us and we deal with it, that teaches us about capabilities we didn't know we had and gives us a better understanding of who we are.

We are each guided by our own private chart. We can't use somebody else's chart because it would not take us where we need to go. We all have different lessons to learn in life. Just because something was good or bad for someone else doesn't mean it will be good or bad for you. Ultimately we each need to find our own way in life. We are individuals, but we are not alone. The world is full of gates and opportunities that are just right for us, if we would only be aware of them. We are meant to learn and grow, to discover what is right for us. We are all inventors, and we are all meant to discover and take advantage of the opportunities and gates that are all around us.

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