Sunday, October 18, 2009


The happiest life is that which constantly exercises and educates what is best in us.

The purpose of our life is to learn and grow. It seems that our lives are a kind of field trip that our souls go on in order to learn how to learn about themselves and improve, in the same way that we take courses about things we are interested in at school, and then go on field trips to learn more about those subjects than we could in the classroom. So it stands to reason that the thing that makes our souls happiest is when we are learning and practising how we can improve ourselves.

A good question is "What is my soul learning about myself based on the life situation I am experiencing right now?"? Are you educating your soul about what is best in you, or about what is worst in you? Are you practising meanness, pettiness, jealousy, guilt, and anger? Or are you practising love, caring, empathy, and joy? One can always argue that someone else is making you feel jealous or angry but it is really your own choice, and one that you can learn to change. Perhaps it is the process of making that change that is the most effective way to learn to improve yourself.

The times that you feel most happy are those times in which you are practising love and caring. The times that you feel most miserable are those times in which you practise meanness, anger, or jealosy. It is a simple choice to decide which you prefer. If only it was as easy as it is simple. It requires a change of beleifs that have probably built up over a lifetime. It takes constant vigilance to make it into a habit. It requires faith and motivation. But it can be done.

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