Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Failure is not a single, cataclysmic event. You don't fail overnight. Instead, failure is a few errors in judgment, repeated every day.
Jim Rohn

You don't fail overnight any more than you are a success overnight. Both failure and success take time. You can make a mistake suddenly enough; but mistakes, once you see them and can admit them to yourself, can be dealt with pretty quickly. Mistakes are inevitable, but they don't make you a failure. Only when you keep repeating the same mistake over and over because you didn't learn from it does making a mistake lead to failure.

It is all about habits. It is your habits that make you fail or make you succeed. It is not your single actions that really influence your future. Your actions tend to feed on themselves, turning into habits. An example is that lieing the first time makes it so much easier to lie the next time, and before you know where you are, you are lieing all the time. And if you tell the difficult truth the first time, it makes it that much easier to do it again the next time. Your actions, and thoughts, no matter what they are, get easier and easier to repeat the more that they are repeated. Your actions, and their consequences, spiral.

Failure is a few errors in judgment, repeated every day. Over time, your errors in judgment seem to attract other errors until you find yourself in trouble, as a failure. The turning point comes when you recognize your judgment as being erroneous and take steps to correct it, not just once but every single day. It is crucial to develop and maintain good habits, and prevent and get rid of bad ones, if you want to be successful. Make sure you don't repeat your errors every day until they lead to failure.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit http://www.reachingmypotential.com

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