Sunday, October 25, 2009


Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time. Then your time on earth will be filled with glory.
Betty Smith

Most of the time, we look at things and don't really see them. We figure" well, that's not interesting because it's just the same as it was last time" or "well, if I really needed to see it, I could do it later when I have time". We don't expect change; in fact some of us are actually afraid of change, we want things to stay the same way forever. But the only thing that we can really depend on in this life is that there will be change. It may seem like a change for the better, or a change for the worse. But there will always be change.

Try looking at everything as if you were seeing it for the first time. Everything would seem new and fresh. We wouldn't be expecting it to be a certain way so we would never be dissapointed. We would not bring any emotional baggage to it. We would not be prejudging it; and this would allow us to notice all the good things about it.

Try looking at everything as if you were seeing it for the last time. If you thought you'd never be seeing it again, you'd pay much more attention to it. You would appreciate all it's finer qualities and forget it's worse ones. You wouldn't take it for granted. You would be very grateful for the time that you had it. And you would be expecting change, even though you wouldn't know what change would bring.

In order for our time on earth to be filled with glory, it is essential that we be always aware of the blessings surrounding us. We can only really appreciate the wonder of the things around us when we see them with a new viewpoint. We can only be truly grateful for them when we appreciate that they won't last forever, and that something new will soon come to take their place.

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