Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Playing Your Cards

"Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well"
Josh Billings

We are all jealous of those people who seem to sail through life having all the right things; the ones who were born rich and seem to have all the advantages. We forget that life happens to everyone, and life consists of problems and obstacles along with the joys and fun. People who never have problems never learn how to deal with them; and when one happens, which it inevitably will, they won't know how to cope.

We also forget that each of us has our own good cards, our talents and abilities, even when our hand is bad. If we can take good advantage of them, and play them in the right way, we might still win the game. When our hand is bad, we are forced to learn how to use our good cards properly if we ever plan on winning. Having a bad hand can sometimes be good for you because it teaches you have to play the cards you hold well.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very good......