Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Being Perfect

"The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself."
Anna Quindlen

Do you wish you were perfect? Perhaps you'd like to have the perfect body: longer legs, fewer wrinkles, smaller hands, or whatever you think would make you look more attractive. Perhaps you'd like to get rid of those annoying personality quirks which we all have that make other people shrug their shoulders and say "Oh well, that's just the way he/she is". You'd love to just get rid of all your faults. But if everyone became perfect, they would all become boring. It is your "faults" that make you unique and interesting to other people.

The truth about faults is that almost any fault can be turned around into a virtue. For example, if you are very verbal and sociable, this could be seen as a fault by a quiet person who thinks you're disturbing the peace and just wants to be left alone. It could be seen as a virtue by a person who is looking for someone else who is easy to talk intimately to or who will start a conversation with him easily. Almost all personality traits are like that. It all depends on who the other person is and what his needs are.

It is very important for you to just accept your personality traits as part of who you are. You can't change them, at least not without a great deal of work, so why not learn to enjoy them. If you talk to enough other people, you'll find others who enjoy them too. Begin the work of becoming yourself. Learn to love yourself, just the way you are.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit http://www.reachingmypotential.com

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