Monday, December 1, 2008


"Some men have thousands of reasons why they cannot do what they want to,
when all they need is one reason why they can."
Martha Graham

Are you good at coming up with excuses why something won't work. You probably don't see them as excuses, but as explanations. You think you're just facing reality. "The economy is really bad after all, the reports from the media prove that, so I can't possibly sell enough products to make the amount of money I want to."

Of course, the reports from the media don't give you the whole story. You will never hear from them about the people whose businesses are actually improving this year, or about those people who made their fortune during the Great Depression. And you certainly won't hear on the mainstream media about how they did that. The way they did that is by finding at the one reason why they could succeed. They saw the opportunities that the other people didn't see because they thought the situation was hopeless and that there was nothing to do but pull back and wait for it to pass.

This is, of course, just one example of how people find excuses not to succeed. But it happens in all areas of our life. We find excuses whenever we blame outside circumstances for our lack of success. It's always the fault of something else (the economy in our example). Most of us have a great difficulty admitting that we are responsible for everything that happens to us. But that is the reality. Even when something happens that we don't like, we can improve our situation simply by changing our attitude and perception about it, and thereby our reactions.

All we need is one reason to succeed. All we need is one reason why we can. The one reason why we can succeed when everyone around us is failing is because we know we are responsible for everything that happens to us, and that we always have control over what happens, or at the least over how we react to it. The best reason why we can succeed is that we beleive in our ability to cope with any situation, no matter how bad it seems at first.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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