Sunday, December 7, 2008


"What you get by reaching your destination is not nearly as important as what you will become by reaching your destination."
-Zig Ziglar

We tend to define success by the things that a successful person has. We think "I will be successful when I have...". It could be a waterfront condo. It could be a spouse who picks up after themselves. It could be an Olympic gold medal. Or it could be something else. We think "I will be successful when..." It could be when I have landed on the moon. It could be when I write my novel and it gets published. It could be when I graduate from school. Or it could be something else. Whatever our goals are, we see success as something that we have or we do. We see success as being an end result. When we do this, or have that, then we will know that we have made it.

But we are missing the point. Real success is having the character and talents to do or have whatever it is that we want. Because even if that thing that we succeeded in getting is taken away, which it quite possibly will be, we will still be the kind of person who can get it again. Even if what we have done doesn't give us the results we want, we will still be the kind of person who can do it again and get better results next time. The kind of talent and character that allows us to duplicate our "successes" can only be derived from "succeeding" the first time. It can only be derived from reaching our destination.

It is not the destination that we have reached that is important. The really important thing is the person we have become in the act of reaching it. The better a person we become, the higher the peaks we can climb. Success is a process. It gets better and better.

For ideas about how to become truly successful, visit

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