Monday, December 29, 2008


"To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring."
George Santayana

It is not a good idea to be attached to anything, as the only thing we can depend on is change. Everything changes, except death and taxes. We often think of being attached as being very fond of a particular object, but it also can refer to an idea or even a feeling. Whenever we love something so much we can't imagine living without it, we are attached to it too much.

It is much healthier to be interested in how things change, and especially to be always looking for whatever is good in the new things. Many times, like with the seasons, what you loved will come around again.

Enjoy the things you love while you have them, definately, but realize that they aren't going to last forever, and that's actually a good thing. Their passing leaves a space for other things to come along that have their own enjoyable aspects. It would be dull if there was no change in our life, because there would be nothing new to look forward to and explore the joys of.

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