Friday, December 19, 2008


"Fear is static that prevents me from hearing my intuition."
Hugh Prather

How well are you tuned into your intuition? Your intuition is always talking to you in it's still, small voice, but are you listening? Just as when you don't tune in precisely to the radio channel you are trying to listen to and you get static, you only hear the static of fear when you're not tuned precisely to the intuition channel. We continually think thoughts of fear, more than 45,000 negative fearful thoughts every day. No wonder it is so hard to hear and understand what our intuition is telling us.

Our fears and negativity are loud and insistent. They drown out our intuition, even if we know how to listen to it, which many of us don't. What's worse, they keep repeating themselves. Once you think a fearful thought, it is very difficult to dismiss it; it keeps coming back and saying "It gets even worse. Don't forget about ..." Intuition doesn't do that. If you miss it, it isn't likely to come back very soon, and certainly not in the same way. That's why it's important to be tuned into the intuition channel all the time. You don't want to miss an important message, because the static of your fear drowned it out.

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