Wednesday, December 24, 2008


"Just a hurried tell a story which puts the contrast between *our* feast of the Nativity and all this ghastly Xmas racket at it's lowest. My brother heard a woman on a 'bus say, as the 'bus passed a church with a Crib outside it, Oh Lor'! They bring religion into everything. Look- they're dragging it even into Christmas now!
C S Lewis

Some people hate religion. They think it's a sin to talk about Christmas when not everyone beleives in Christ. They object to public displays of the manger scene. Personally I think that if you don't beleive in Christ, you don't have to celebrate Christmas. You can celebrate the holiday season in whatever way is more meaningful to you. That is no reason to prevent those who do beleive in Christ from celebrating his birthday.

People have forgotten what Christmas is about. Christmas was originally a celebration of Christ and that means a celebration of the values he stood up for. It is supposed to be a celebration of love and goodwill towards all people, and our planet. We tend to forget that in the rush of the obligations we feel we must perform because our friends and familys expect that of us. Buying a gift for someone becomes just an obligation we have to get done before Christmas instead of something that we really wanted to do because we found just the perfect thing that we know they'll love. We get so busy entertaining others that we forget to have some time for ourselves to enjoy the season.

Take some time to remember the true meaning of Christmas. Although it is indeed a religious holiday, the reason for Christmas, Christ's message, is just as valid whether you believe in religion or not.

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